Booster Rewards

These perks are rewards for any member for supporting by boosting any server within the HRP.

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╭✦ 1x Boost
┇・$40,000 in Economy
┇・1 Weapon of Choice (Up to $100,000)

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╭✦ 2x Boosts
┇・$105,000 in Economy
┇・1 Vehicle of Choice (Up to $170,000)

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╭✦ 3x Boosts
┇・$180,000 in Economy
┇・A Custom Office for the time you are boosting

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╭✦ 4x Boosts
┇・$269,000 in Economy
┇・Access to Exclusive Giveaways
┇・A Custom Office for the time you are boosting

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╭✦ 5x Boosts
┇・1x Department Rank Up
┇・1 Vehicle & Weapon of Choice
┇・A Custom Office for the time you are boosting

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╭✦ 6 or More Boosts
┇・5 recommendation Coins within your department
┇・A Custom Office for the time you are boosting

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